[Michael] Level 140, Chinese , VenusTeaM


  • Level : 140
  • Strength : 9
  • Intellect : 9
  • Gold : 107.648.157.47
  • Inventory Size : 109
  • Job :
  • Job Name : Michael_
  • Job Level : 6
  • Item Points : 63

Item Informations


Sort of item: Two handed staff

There is no words for this image

Required level 140

Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

14.01.2021 22:29:16 » Congratulations for QQ and Congratulations for all Vote to you
14.01.2021 22:22:26 » Send to me Private 1 Time _GLADIATOR or QQ
14.01.2021 22:21:49 » Vote For Winner(Best EU) Reward : 150 Venus Coin ||||Who Will Be winner ?
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